
We're lucky enough to have The Story Stein do their phenomenal stop-motion and dramatised Bible stories to engage kids at Hope Vineyard Oxford, and truth be told, us adults can't wait for story time either!
Katie Kay, Hope Oxford Vineyard
At school, Johnny Steinegger would often tell my daughter stories at break time which she unfailingly loved. His gentle and yet highly creative manner was always a winsome combination and she gravitated towards him very quickly. This is particularly significant given that our daughter is non-verbal and communicates almost exclusively via an eye gaze device.
During lockdown "Mr. Steinegger's Assemblies" became a real staple at home. We'd often sit as a family at the dinner table and pop one on and at a time when so much was different and uncertain, it was a real source of comfort and joy to the family. His creativity, imagination and fabulous storytelling skills brought them to life for us and his sense of fun always had us laughing. We also hugely appreciated the spiritual input that was a thread running through each assembly - helping us rise above the situation in which we found ourselves and fix our eyes on greater things, but also giving the children meaty questions to chew over and ponder.
Caroline McNicoll, Parent

The Story Stein are always a highlight in our toddler group and we all love the props too! I've even heard parents with babies saying, "although the babies don't exactly know what's going on, they're still spellbound!"
Josh Kay, Bags of Fun
I was fortunate enough to be supervising Johnny Steinegger's storytelling workshops at Tyndale Community School. He created a lovely, friendly atmosphere. Even the shy and quiet children were happy to participate. They were very engrossed in the interesting and creative way the stories were told. We very quickly noticed how relaxed the children were. Sometimes they expressed the stories through drawing or building lego or other creative ways. I can honestly say the children loved the group. They used to approach me in school and ask if it was Mr. Johnny's class that afternoon. There is no doubt that they all enjoyed it and didn't want it to end. I recommend this man's wonderful attitude to children and to life in general- he's a first class storyteller.
Tracey Veal, Tyndale Community School

Johnny is a brilliant storyteller. He delivered a storytelling holiday club run 2019 and we loved the way he engaged with the children and captured their imagination. Children who were naturally shy and nervous at first were enticed into taking part and were able to discover themselves the joy of stories. Yearly from 2020 onwards we commissioned Johnny to deliver online and in person storytelling workshops tailored to the needs of care-experienced children, and he was able to devise and deliver a programme with sensitivity and care. We highly recommend him!